I know you might have had some trying times recently but I guarantee you it is but nothing compared to the 2 hour saga of talking a 74 year old grandmother through an iPad newspaper subscription via Apple Pay over the phone
This included a 45 minute session where we had to guess my late grandfather’s assorted iPad passwords, where just to confuse would be hackers, he appears to have given a marginally incorrect date of birth. Cheers Grandad!
Also vaguely existential moment where my Nan asked me what an app was and to be quite frank I realised I had no good answers to give her
Another 20 minutes putting in her card details, her saying that didn’t work, so over the phone putting in my card details, only to realise it had worked with her card in the first place so she now has...two subscriptions.
Spent another 15 mins guessing other passwords

Truly lovely moment when we realised it was my Nan’s name and year of birth

More awkward moment when we realised a memorable question answer “childhood best friend” was my Grandad’s first girlfriend my Nan couldn’t stand
I kid you not at one point she insisted to me all she could see on the screen was fish

I still haven’t got to the bottom of that one
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