What’s your favorite single image or cover from any comic book? My favorite is this masterpiece by @thealexrossart from Marvels written by the master @KurtBusiek. To me, this image encapsulates everything special about the X-Men. I don’t think there is a lovelier image in comics.
Another favorite is Secret Wars #4 just from sheer awesomeness. If I were writing a Hulk movie, and I hope I do someday, I would find a way to make this image happen. Hulk vs a mountain!
If you were not there, it is impossible to overstate the anticipation of X-Force #1 by @robertliefeld! You knew it was going to be the most exciting comic you would ever read from the cover.
All of @DaveMcKean work on Sandman by @neilhimself deserves special mention, but I was always partial to this one from Seasons of Mist.
Let’s not forget the iconic 4 part X-Men number one cover by @JimLee!
This much imitated cover by Dave Cockrum always struck me as so provocative! What could it mean?? Why would they be fighting???
The truth is @sinKEVitch probably deserves a thread of his own, but New Mutants #19 is out of control.
Since everyone is enjoying this thread, here are some other favorites! Hard to forget Green Lantern #49 by Darryl Banks and Romeo Tanghal with a story by the inimitable @ronmarz! This scared the shit out of me when I was little! That's a good cover!
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