#ADHD bad news doesn’t always register with us the way you expect it to. Our reactions may not always portray how we really feel about it. This is what causes issues in life the most. Neurotypicals expecting us to react the same as them, through ignorance and the lack of
education there is on neurodiversity. It’s easy for you to say to be or act a certain way because you don’t understand us but this is where empathy and/or just accepting us for who we are should come into place. Yes, we can come across as insensitive if we do not ask how someone
is after they tell you, someone has died or something bad happened to them. We want to make sure you are ok. Trust me, we feel it and that’s the issue....we feel SO intensely, that our brain is overloaded and can’t respond the same way some who is neurotypical would. We freeze or
change subject, in order for our brains to move on and away from the discomfort, to make sense of everything. People think we are deliberately being insensitive but we genuinely can’t control this and I wish there was a way for you to borrow my brain for a minute, just to feel
what we go through. I know that when someone tells me something bad is happening to them...I go inside myself. I Internally react. I’m saying what I would like to say, in my head but what comes out is usually something different. This upsets me, as much as you but we are usually
the ones that pay for it, as this usually ends friendships etc...
This can also cause us to be over the top with asking “how you are?” Because we are scared we are not asking at the right time because we don’t know when that time is. It comes into check with social cues too.
Because we don’t know when to do or say certain things, we can over do it. Again, usually resulting in people saying we are annoying. It feels like we can never win, that is until we meet those incredible humans that just accept us and allow us to be. Teach us what is right and
wrong and how to respond. We won’t get it right every time but we try. Just give us that chance 💜
You can follow @H_Mc92.
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