#Presidementia #COVID19 04/20 Press Briefing (1) Trump presents impaired today as he has daily, repeating his frank lies, bullshit, & calf splatter. His wandering rambling speech consists of grievances & vague, tangential non-answers. He replays "China Ban," his favorite tune.
#Presidementia #COVID19 04/20 Press Briefing (2) Asked about whether his downplaying of the need for social distancing contributed to people who got sick recently, Trump does not answer the question. He brags about China & sarcastically says he was elected President.
#Presidementia #COVID19 04/20 Press Briefing (3) 7:05 pm Trump is loud with pressured speech & defensive tone as he deflects the question of his responsibility for people disregarding his own guidelines. He rambles for 5 minutes & says nothing other than how great he himself is.
#Presidementia #COVID19 04/20 Press Briefing (4) 7:11 Put on the defensive, Trump now rants about Pelosi, impeachment hoax, wasted time, "Chain-Nah," Schumer, "things are happening that are very good, the people are coming together, the press the media foments a lot of anger..."
#Presidementia #COVID19 04/20 Press Briefing (5) 7:14 Trump is doing his John Belushi, Animal House Germans bombed Pearl Harbor monologue. This is a single run-on sentence with roughly 250-500 words. He has no idea what the questions was or what he's talking about.
#Presidementia #COVID19 04/20 Press Briefing (6) Trump is now doing "bodies lying in hallways," still tossing in a "Sir" story, the Civil War, "could have been much more than a million people," and now he sounds manic. He has essentially been riffing wildly for over ten minutes.
#Presidementia #COVID19 04/20 Press Briefing (7) Trump is seriously demented. This embarrassing display is like a drunk at the bar. He is jabbering so wildly that he's short of breath. No content, no substance. It is 7:18 and it's full calf splatter mode. He abruptly leaves!
#Presidementia #COVID19 04/20 Press Briefing (8) Trump bragged about testing today, has no grasp of the issue. Birx has mastered obfuscation. The analysts are stunned as they try to sort out bullshit & calf splatter. This briefing was more chaotic & incoherent than any other.
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