my bf shared his touching story of how he got into fe. so now it's my turn. happy birthday fire emblem

my first exposure to fe was in smash like everyone else. marth, roy in melee, ike in brawl. i thought they were cool. but let's skip to the Important part.
i was a sophomore in high school when i got my first 3ds. and because i bought it before the price drop, nintendo threw in the ambassador program w all those gba and virtual console games! and that's how i got sacred stones.
the first character i saw alongside eirika and ephraim was seth. and seth is Hot Guy on a Horse. anyone who knew me during that time knew i drew buff seth a Lot. anyway i played thru sacred stones n grew attached to the characters. lute, joshua, ewan, natasha, myrrh. lyon!!
after sacred stones i picked up fe7 and 6 on emulator. id play them on a usb in class after i finished my work. and then on my phone in college. i dont remember too much except i barely started hector hard mode n never got to finish 6 bc fuckin cav reinforcements.
then i saw some information abt fates. namely... a pic of silas. he is such a good boi. Amazing. Beautiful. and thats when i decided to really get back into fe.
i remember excitedly buying awakening at gamestop while waiting for fates release. sometime in 2015. and that's when sky and spence were created. i also designed my corrin oc around that time. anyone who put up with my awful jokes around that time n stuck around. u the real ones.
also i drew tons of art of my ocs with their s supports. well sky and ciela (w frederick+tharja, silas respectively). it was fun, happy times.
and then heroes came out. and some of u knew how stoked i was when we got summer frederick. and when silas finally came home.
anyway feh slowly became suffering BUT i met my bf through feh twitter rp so im super grateful for that!!!! and then he got me a switch and 3h (and a bunch of other stuff) so now we here. im so excited to finish blue lions route n the others!!
if u made it this far ty for reading this thread. this thread loves you.
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