anyway adam driver isnt Islamaphobic, he never said he joined to kill muslims He said terriost and has apologized for joining and regrets it was for the wrong reasons but stan twitter just wants to twist the truth so here u go #adamdriverisoverparty
(1) he joined after 9/11, 1/3
when there was a surge of patriotism in the USA and military applicants; he stated that he regretted it.
(2) he never served.
(3) he runs a nonprofit that helps active duty/vets cope with the social alienation that they suffer with due to joining. 2/3
in short, he regrets joining and is trying to help others and their families as they deal with the ramifications of joining the military. yes, service is a bit controversial right now, but there are genuinely good people who join because they have no other options
im muting this ❤️
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