Sorry, this is BS. Young does not mean bad at our jobs. Experience + institutional knowledge matter a ton -- really, I wish I had that wisdom and I value it so much. But to be an entry-level reporter today, you've got to be 50x better than any applicant was 30 yrs ago.
Some of my superiors at my early gigs literally walked into the newspaper office as teens and got jobs. Never graduated college and became reporters. Now, you pretty much need to have been a finalist for some award before anyone will hire you. It's tough out there!
Are we often paid less than our older colleagues? Yes! Are we being worked to death? Also yes! Is this what anyone wants? No, not at all! Insulting young reporters who are working our tails off is not the right thing here.
Read the resume of any entry-level reporter working in a major market. I bet you'd be hard pressed to find one that arrived there without already having the high profile bylines and award-winning work previous generations learned to do on the job.
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