Get Out : Part 2 - Getting In.

So plot twist we start with the video about Dr Umar explaining the video of the difference between a negro and a coon.
Video, movie whatever you get my drift. So the storyline involves a black guy trying to infiltrate a Caucasian family to essentially rob them. It’s payback slev tred
But he has to act like the coon Dr Umar was describing in the video to a T.
So you’re probably thinking how and why is robbing this Cau family and here’s the backstory.
So back in the day, the Coon’s father had founded a massive plot of land with oil in Nigeria and he wanted to have majority ownership but also sell off a part of this land.
However, documents were translated and manipulated in a way to stop the coon’s father from getting any money and they ended up kidnapping Coon’s whole family and relocated them so far from Nigeria with no money whatsoever.
So now Coon is infiltrating this family through his love interest and trying to marry and twist and manipulate to get what’s truly his and avenge the wrongs that have been done to his family.
That’s my story. Was this thread a waste of time that’s for you to decide
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