It seems my family has a history of surviving things that should have 100% killed us,
Like me for example, i was technically stillborn and after a few minutes i just... Started living... And no one knew how.
Or my great uncle, who literally refused to die until his family was >>
Safe. The doctors were trying to find out how he was still alive when he should be dead, my dad had to sit down next to his bed and tell him that everyone was ok, and only then did he pass.

Im starting to think that my family was given this power in exchange for having trouble>>
With women, because every woman that i know of in this family has done something terrible for no reason at all
Just so you know, this thread was mainly so i could talk about my family being badass as frick, like my grandad, who was badass because he didn't take shit from anyone but still cared for his family and friends, and i mean, 100% cared
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