Protestantism will never have an aesthetic that can compete.
Can’t even really blame Protestants, they’re sect came into existence relatively recently. Plus it’s so thoroughly tied to mid-20th Century WASP shit in the collective consciousness.
There will (probably) never be a "Protestant Imagination" themed costume party, at the Met or anywhere else.

I hope I'm wrong about that.
Honestly tho, Catholicism and almost every other religion in the "developed world" has the same exact problem every other religion have reached a point where they're in the same bad spot that Protestantism is.

A loss of identity in the modern world.
A lot of pious people blame growing secularism, that's a cop out. If their faiths just adapted (I wanna say "reform", but honestly that's not even necessary it would just help) they would be trying to figure out what to do with all the converts and soft power.
And by "adapt" I mostly mean have an attractive, coherent, easily replicated visual aesthetic. That's not all but it is arguably the easiest thing almost any organized religion could do.

Invest in and use fashion to cultivate an identity in the 21st Century.
Example; a lot of young Catholic women and girls choose to wear Mantilla's to mass. The Pope could essentially try to make it Catholic hijab, encourage women to wear it everywhere. Make it apart of their identity.
I'm gonna keep using Catholics as an example because they've dropped the ball hardest, and recently too.

How many Catholics were against a bunch of beautiful celebrities going out of their way to make Catholicism look cool?
This thread could be a book so I'ma stop (for now.)

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