Killer is no doubt a strong character, but the length people go to try to distinguish his strength in his alternative persona (Kamazou) from his 'normal' state is nonsensical.

Killer not having his "spinny blade" isn't deficiency that robs his combative prowess as alot of people

His Spinny Blades aren't Meito grade blade, as no Meito grade blade has a mechanical function.

Meito grade blades are stronger in durability than other blades, hence why only Õ Wazamono Wado Ichimonji survived Mihawk's Yoru while the rest of Zoro's unnamed Zoro broke.
Black blade are even greater in durability and hardness than regular meito blade.

Black Blade > Meito Grade[Rank varies] > Unnamed/regular Swords.

Yet, there are people who think Killer missing his 'Spinny blades' is equal as nerf as Zoro missing a Black blade.

Jesus Chirst.
There's alot more to touch on RE: Killer and the misconception of his power being limited because he's missing unnamed blades in-conjuction to the weight behind a blade's power and also the misconception behind his motivations to work for Orochi.

I'll touch on that another time.
Until then, if thinking Killer getting his 'Spinny Blade' back convinces he that his strength will drastically improve, then do think what you may.

However, I'd say that that argument takes the caricature of a three legged stool; it hardly stands.
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