a thread on dabi's skin grafts and why he can't physically shower

starting from the beginning, skin grafting is a surgical procedure in which doctors technically shave some of you skin, stretch the hell out of it, and then staple it over burned (and many more cases) skin
there are many areas from which you can shave of skin but the most common is the butt and the thigh. there are also instances of DONATIONS. yes skin donations. from other people's buttcheeks.

but I hear you say, how much does it hurt?
a fuck ton. see just like any other surgery, once you wake up from the anesthesia you're greeted by pain. but that's not all.

the staples holding the skin together tend to pull and limit all movement. your body feels weak and you're just... exhausted and in pain. 24/7
showering isn't even an option. skin grafts have to remain dry for at least 2 weeks, so that the initial dressing heals and can support water. otherwise, it'll fall of or be rejected by the healthy skin.

during those 2 weeks, patients are instructed to remain in the hospital
according to the NHS, there are specific instructions considering smoking, diet, sunblock and more that the patient should consider following for at least 2 YEARS after surgery

but what if you can't?
see with dabi, we know he run away (know- well we assume he did, as long as we take into consideration the fact he's indeed a todoroki) from a young age, limiting himself to many comforts and necessities
that means he wasn't really able to take care of his scars and was most likely in pain. but that's not all... that's not all at all

he keeps burning his scars, over and over again, never giving them a chance to even try and heal.
his initial burns were caused by his quirk, the fire being too intense. the skin grafts were used to heal him, but he won't stop.
so we're left with skin grafts that have never healed properly, that are being burned over and over again. so even if he could, he can't take a shower
he just can't! if he does, thud! a skin graft will fall on the floor.

this all explains why "he constantly smells like burned flesh". why he can't take showers, why he's always bleeding. he's in pain. and he has been in pain even before the surgery (-ies)
his clothes are baggy. not because he likes to show the tiddies but because he can feel other types of clothes rub on his scars. he is a runaway with major physical issues that should be taken care of immediately. they could heal. they really could!!!

images below/// TW graphic
examples of healing progression of skin grafts
he's not a filthy boy. he's a boy with problems that he shouldn't have faced during his childhood. please care for him. please.
a small addition: he might have gotten into drugs as a form of painkillers but that is just an assumption
last minute additions but extremely important


it's just some half assed research I did around 7 months ago
HERE'S MORE INFORMATION FROM A MEDICAL STUDENT https://twitter.com/hamacrispies/status/1252373991378964482?s=19
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