(1/8) It is time to fully legalize and decriminalize the use of marijuana in Oklahoma.

"According to the FBI, there have been more than 13 million marijuana arrests in the U.S. since1995. Eighty-nine percent were for possession."
(2/8) The current laws keeps our criminal justice system overcrowded with non-violent drug offenses. It costs an estimated $16,497 per year per incarcerated person in Oklahoma. This is money that we could use on our schools, our roads, and our rural healthcare.
(3/8) Further, marijuana arrests have disproportionately impacted communities of color despite near equal usage rates among all races with African Americans being 3.73 times more likely to be arrested for marijuana than caucasians.
(4/8) In addition to the massive savings from fully legalizing marijuana we would also see a massive increase in tax revenue and new jobs. "Medical marijuana generated more than $34.5 million in tax revenue through the end of September."
(5/8) We can take steps towards fiscal responsibility, economic opportunity, and racial justice by fully legalizing marijuana in our state.
(6/8)My opponent spent decades sending people to prison for marijuana possession. His campaign has taken money from the private prison group, GEO, that he helped keep full for years. This is a clear conflict of interest. It is time to put our people first over corporate prisons.
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