The pro second amendment community is a diverse community. It is the perfect reflection of the country. The thought that black second amendment supporters wouldn’t be supported by white second amendment supporters is #GunControl talking point that stems from the #MumfordAct.
The #mumfordact at the time was supported by democrats, republicans and the #NRA after the #BlackPanthers march on the California state capital to protect police brutality. Open carry of firearms was then banned, no one outside of law enforcement could do it.
Because of single time in history, because of this single law in a pro #GunControl state. Anti gun opportunist have used this as a talking point to convince blacks that white pro gun people don’t support their rights to keep and bear arms. This is a bullshit talking point
As I said before, the second amendment community is diverse, way more diverse than it use to be. We are a collection of individuals with individual opinions and thoughts. But we do agree on one central idea, “the rights of the PEOPLE to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed”
For those who still think that the second amendment is only for white people. I invite you to google and do research about the groups in your local area. Attend actual gun rallies and gun shows. Stop believing the bullshit the anti gun media is feeding you.
Mulford act*
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