AIRBORNE #CORONAVIRUS - Study finds airborne #SARSCoV2 aerosols in 63.2% of rooms sampled. 76.5% of all personal items contaminated with the virus that causes #COVID19

University of Nebraska Medical Center Study:
"The data is suggestive that viral aerosol particles are
produced by individuals that have the #COVID19 disease, even in the absence of cough. 2 out 3 air samples taked over 6 feet were positive for #SarCov2 #coronavirus RNA."

Second, 66.7% of hallway air samples indicate that virus-containing particles were being 30 transported from the rooms to the hallway during sampling activities. It is likely that the positive air samples in the hallway were cause by viral aerosol particles

Finally, personal air samplers worn by sampling personnel were all positive for #Coronavirus #SARSCoV2, despite the absence of cough by most patients while sampling personnel were present.

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