The Blairite vision for the labour party is basically a philanthropistic one. Instead of a participatory mass movement composed of radical unions, local CLPs etc. their vision is of a party composed of technocrat careerists whose sole aim is to beg middle England to let them>
>increase funding for things like surestart while they continue to dismantle what still remains of the public sphere in the interests of the finance capital which backs them. That’s where all this patronising ‘there are vulnerable people that need us’ stuff comes from>
>instead of attempting to build a mass movement which could resist the conservatives once they attained power, for all their handwringing the few positives from Blair’s time in office were just rolled back at whim. There were no unions or broad base to oppose this>
>because Blairism wasn’t about this. It was about keeping the plebs happy with what were essentially handouts while they continued Thatcher’s work of gutting the state and suppressing organised labour.
This was also part of the problem with Corbyn. He continued this patronising>
>Blairite rhetoric about ‘the vulnerable’ and how we need to be their saving grace rather than these people being given the tools by which to organise outside of the mecanisms of parliament so that gains aren’t immediately rolled back as soon as the tories win again>
>why do you think the post-war consensus didn’t immediately collapse as soon as Churchill came to power again? There was an extra-parlimentary left within the unions. Blair deliberately made sure that wasn’t the case by the time he left office and now we’re here.
It’s also the reason that these fucking scumbags did everything they could to stop Corbyn proving them wrong. If he won then their brand of politics would be completely dead. Literally their single, only appeal is that their politics is so bland an desiccated that it can appeal>
>to the fascist hordes of middle England and ‘win elections so we can help the poors’ it has no other appeal and if that appeal was lost by a left victory then these dried up, uninspiring cunts would be out of the careers theyve worked so hard on since they joined Labour Students
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