Had this thought today. Imagine a ship is due to set sail at a specific bearing to reach a specific target. Then from the go, the direction is off by let's say 5°. It may seem insignificant, especially over a short distance. But the further it travels the more it's off course.
There's some specific directions God gives us. And often, we tweak them abit, because life happens. We compromise. It seems insignificant. But over time, we realise that we missed the target completely and are off course. Because we haven't been realigning to the initial bearing.
That just reminded me of the importance of a personal relationship with God. It's the daily devotional time that keeps you on course. Yes, God desires to direct us, even in the small things. And that often comes in the consistent small things we do.
"All things working together for the good" isn't an automatic thing. It involves continually receiving direction that you're on track. Maybe now is a good time to check the dials and see if you're still on track. The good news is, you're never too off-course for Him.
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