I'm getting tired of seeing the difficulties of childcare while working from home right now dismissed with "you chose to have kids" and now you "have to take care of your own kids." First of all, devaluing domestic labor as simple and non-taxing is misogynist bullshit.
Second of all, literally nobody I know opted to have children with the understanding that we would never have relief, never get spend time with other adults, never have playdates, and literally have nowhere to take them. I often spent days just me and my son before the shutdown.
I took him to the Transit Museum. I took him to the playground. I took him to the movies. We had fun together. Third, children are PEOPLE. People with minimal social skills. Who do you know who you want to spend 24/7 with?
What do you think is special about parents that makes us immune to that feeling? Fourth, why do you think complaining about something means "I wish I hadn't done this." You never complain about someone or something that you love? Of COURSE I chose to have my son and
I'd do it again in a heartbeat. That doesn't make every minute with him an unmitigated delight. Further, that choice is socially necessary labor if you want to have a functioning society in 25 years, so, you know, you're welcome. (Yes, people w/o children are also doing socially
necessary labor, but right now I'm concerned with the people being assholes to parents.) Finally, who the FUCK do you think raises my kid under normal circumstances? His pre-K teachers? Temporary care is not child-raising.

In conclusion, stop being an asshole. Thank you.
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