I think that if you are a transit advocate, this is going to be a rough couple of years. Riding transit "normally" won't be possible at least until there's a vaccine, and systems are going to be struggling for funding.
We have to expect that this is going to increase car ownership and car trips on the margins. Rather than screaming at an NYT reporter, it makes more sense to think about how to mitigate the impacts.
The obvious low hanging fruit: a real ramp up of biking capacity. That means more (and safer) lanes, more programs to get bikes and e-bikes out there, and more safe parking for a range of bike types.
Even city officials in places like NYC and SF that don't care about bikes should be thinking about this. There quite literally is not enough road capacity or parking capacity in our job centers to swap out transit rides for drive alones. It's not abt virtue, it's geometry.
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