I just fished watching Ocean Waves (1993). Frankly, I’m a bit disappointed. It feels as if this movie is a missed opportunity or maybe, I’m just expecting too much.
Here are my thoughts:

- Taku is a fucking idiot. He deserved that slap-punch combo.
- I have a major crush on Yutaka. He’s smart plus, he’s left-handed.
- I can’t stand Rikako, that problematic brat.
- The movie should’ve ended in the harbor scene.
My biggest disappointment is that Taki and Yutaka didn’t end up together. I know this was shown in 1993 but ah.. It’s so obvious that Taku and Yuta like each other!! In this thread, I will shed some light on this matter:
Yuta calling Taku to come over to school when he’s working and telling him it’s because of the new female transfer student is a convenient excuse. Then this happens? Come on!
Taku, just tell Yuta you like him and go.
Taku being jealous of Rikako pt. 1
Taku being jealous of Rikako pt. 2
Yuta fetched Taku from the airport without him calling or anything. Boyfriend’s intuition? Maybe. Is this the canon pairing in the movie? Definitely.
And when Yuta finally dropped Taku off, he asked if he wanted to take a walk with him. I mean.. That IS a romantic thing.
Now, this scene.. Man, I was rooting for Taku to tell Yuta he’s wrong about him liking Rikako. I wanted Taku to confess his feelings for Yuta. Also, this is a date date! You don’t spend an hour in the harbor talking to someone unless you like that person!
I wish there’s an alternate ending where they confessed to each other and they got to celebrate it in the reunion with subtle hand-holding or just sitting next to each other (in fanfiction, maybe).

Overall, the movie’s alright. The ending’s a letdown.
P.S. This is a reminiscent of my high school crush on my straight best friend. And yes, that was a letdown too.
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