Florence Fang's donations are mostly to Pelosi & DNC but also to Republicans back in early 90s when USA-China business relationships were being established http://www.opensecrets.org/donor-lookup/results?name=florence+fang&order=desc&sort=D
At one point, Florence Fang was chair of Northern California chapter of the National Association for China's Peaceful Unification. http://www.nacpu.org/aboutus.html 
"With @BillGates, she is an honorable trustee at Peking University, and an honorable trustee and an honorable professor at #Wuhan University, to which she gave about $100,000 in 2008."
"Now her oldest son, James Fang, is a Bay Area Rapid Transit ( @SFBART) board member and serves on the Shanghai-San Francisco Sister Cities Committee, where he is doing what his mother has always done: promoting China-US exchanges." http://usa.chinadaily.com.cn/epaper/2014-01/10/content_17228619.htm
" In September 2015, the program was expanded by US President Barack Obama and Chinese President Xi Jinping, into the “Million Strong Initiative”, targeting millions of American high school students to learn the Chinese language within five years." http://www.sfasiangarden.com/florencefang 
Caption: Florence Fang meets with Chinese vice-premier Liu Yandong, 2014
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