It's is appalling at how evil some of those we call friends and neighbours can be. At 1906hrs I pay a visit to a neighbour of mine, Shellie. She smiles alot, beautifully, and her mouth runs like tap water, her brain alittle slower, normally absent while she talks.
I survey her little dungeon, well and desirably organized, however my focus is at the kitchen section, excellent. At 1915hrs she serves me with club soda, my focus unmoved, still at the 2 trays full of eggs staring at my appetite. I can barely wait for her to start making supper.
1950hrs I am almost finishing the club soda, she is at the apex of storytelling, plans for supper are not yet underway. I am a little worried.
It is 2040hrs, she has not yet made a move or shown any outward signs to move to the kitchen section.
Shellie is still enjoying her story telling and two times over I interject, "you serious?". This interjection has nothing to do with her storytelling as she thinks, It has all to do with her not making a move to make supper.
2130hrs, certain that she is not frying those eggs, out of the supressed anger I deliberately drop the glass cup to the floor when she isn't watching. Broken glasses spill all over as I feign shock and remorse at the accident.
She apologises on my behalf, in the ignorance that it was really an accident.
2200hrs she is escorting me out, still smiling like a fool, I smile back painfully, still shocked that somebody can fill my stomach with club soda while packets of pishori rice and trays of eggs are idling there.
She wishes me goodnight, but I fail to respond. I cannot waste goodnight wishes on somebody that had little concern about my stomach. I walk away promising myself never again to visit such evil neighbours.
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