Thrilled to announce the launch of

a journal of rejected ideas

Let a breath of semi-fresh air rustle the cobwebs of the Ivory Tower!
Submissions are now being sought in *all* scholarly, quasi-scholarly, and pseudo-scholarly fields, especially some.

Besides our remarkable breadth, what sets NLR apart is our absolute guarantee that you will not encounter these ideas elsewhere.*

*in a professional context
“How!?”, You ask?

It’s simple. Unlike other journals — which strangle originality and micturate upon the very name of Truth by prioritizing “interest” for an existing audience, “empirical” or “theoretical” “contributions” to a specific “field”, or “methodological rigour”, —
The New Leftover Review has one simple but unbending rule: We will not publish anything that has not already been rejected by at least *seven* professional, scholarly or academic journals.* At NLR we’re proud to say we accept the unacceptable.

*desk rejections strongly preferred
Do you have a piece the “experts” have deemed unpublishable? Un-unpublish it with NLR!

Are your arguments too *controversial*, your evidence too shaky, your conclusions too unrelated to your premisses for the Establishment? Prove it, and we’ll print it!*

*in sum, please donate
You can follow @mccormick_ted.
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