"We are taking a limited action for a limited amount of time to save people's lives," @GovWhitmer says to those who feel their rights are being infringed by her #StayHome order. "This isn't about our individual right to gather, it's about our parents' right to live." #COVID19
. @GovWhitmer says she will lead by example by taking a 10% pay cut and asking her staff to take a 5% pay cut. #COVID19 #StayHome
If you get a call from an unknown number, @GovWhitmer says you should answer it because it could be a volunteer letting you know you've come in contact with somebody confirmed to have #COVID19. #StayHome
As of today, there are 32,000 positive cases of #COVID19 in Michigan, up 576 cases from yesterday, @GovWhitmer announces. This is the lowest number of new cases since late March. There have been 2,468 deaths from the virus. #StayHome
Living in a rural community doesn't mean you're safe from #COVID19, @GovWhitmer says.

"Just because it's not showing up in your community yet doesn't mean it's not already there."

Speaker @LeeChatfield has called on her to adopt a regional approach to restrictions. #StayHome
While not ready to announce anything yet, @GovWhitmer says a number of workplace controls are under consideration including closing common areas, limiting use of shared tools, requiring masks for workers and providing rapid testing at large workplaces. #COVID19 #StayHome
"What happens next depends on every single one of us," @GovWhitmer says. "When faced with an unprecedented crisis like this, good people step up and do their part. They show you they're willing to make sacrifices to protect their family and friends." #COVID19 #StayHome
. @LtGovGilchrist, who will chair the Michigan #Coronavirus Task Force on Racial Disparities, says that people in minority communities may not have the luxury of working from home, are more reliant on public transit, may have to make more trips to the store, etc. #COVID19
. @LtGovGilchrist says the state should offer walk-up #COVID19 testing, because "if people don't have cars it's difficult for them to consume a drive-thru test." He says this will provide increased access to vulnerable communities.
. @LtGovGilchrist says the legacy of #COVID19 will be bringing us closer together with one another: "We're going to call a little bit more often, we're going to say I love you a little more, we're going to have more meaningful interactions." #StayHome
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