all of the conservative fuckwads proving our point... once again... how u gonna call urself pro-life then protest to open the state knowing damn well that it’ll cost so many lives. y’all are so disgusting. #ReOpenPA
anywho stop trying to order around women’s bodies then getting mad when you’re ordered to stay home and keep you and others safe. stream NOT BY THE MOON ✨
the conservatives in my mentions trying to downplay this whole situation and feeling more empathy for strawberry flavored gummy bears than actual human beings... y’all funny asf #ReOpenPA
muting this convo bc i’m tired of having the same argument with these trump supporters. i have yet to be BAFFLED and have my mind changed because all of y’all are so dumb and have made 0 points... but congrats on stanning a pedophillic and racist tangerine 🤩 #ReOpenPA
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