A thread of GOT7 & Birds, since you wanna accuse them of plagiarism ~
Taken in 2019
Flight Log trilogy 2016
Let’s not forget the lightstick in the shape of a bird
Never ever 2017
Not by the moon teasers 2020
Not by the moon M/V - 29/04/2020
Even amino has picked up on the birds, yet you can’t 🤠
Or the time when Jinyoung referred to AHGASES (which if you can remember, means baby bird) as shoebills (which is also a bird)
NBTM teaser 2020
Here are some extras from some of their M/V’s
Have the other fandom in my mentions saying it was ahgases that started it, but it was in fact ahgases taking the Micky over the original tweet which was by a member of the other fandom.
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