I am mixed: A thread on identity and social justice in a world of Covid19 pandemic protests

#mixed #identity #socialjustice #COVID19 #LockdownProtests 1/
Tell MJ to grab his popcorn, this finna be good 2/
If you’ve followed me long enough you know I am mixed & identify as such (multiracial / multiethnic).
I was raised to be proud of my blackness, so of course I am- acknowledging that the #blackexperience can differ because #colorism is a thing. 3/
#SocialJustice is something close to my heart, something I’ve been heavily involved in- especially when it comes to matters of inequality, feminism, police brutality, school to prison pipeline, & the use of environmental racism & resource contamination. 4/
I am completely and utterly disgusted with the way these “protests” over so called “lockdown” are going on. I am disgusted with the way this pandemic is being utilized to make room for #xenophobia & white #nationalism, & for this #survivalofthefittest mentality. 5/
I am also beyond frustrated and so over minorities experiencing #selfhate trying to champion this “lockdown” cause- as if the establishment really will reward them. Stop it. You’re embarrassing yourselves. 6/
To the #POC involved: Our nation- full of racial upheaval & mistreatment of minorities- isn’t gonna disappear for U, give U a leg up for protesting on their behalf- they will use UR melanin laden bodies to stoke fires of white nationalism & keep the tables of oppression full. 7/
And as I hear people crying “well why you got to make it about race?! We just want to get back to work.” Well let me break it down for you-

#1- I’m Mixed, and this nation makes my entire existence about race every single day so there is that 🙄. 9/
Unarmed peaceful #protests full of black & brown bodies have a history of being met with outrageous police brutality and arrests. When a majority white crowd gathers during a #STAYHOME order, several individuals being armed- they are met with next to nothing. 10/
When #BLM was huge- several of the same people protesting today were talking about why these melanin laden bodies deserved to go to jail, shouldn’t break any rules, and asked why they couldn’t just be happy with how things were because there “really are no issues” 11/
Thanks to our nations broken systems, the people with the most lack of access to #healthcare, the people our nation likes to keep poor, are majority #poc & #Immigrants. That group is at higher risk for contracting #covid & death when hospitals are already overloaded 12/
What I’m not sure all these protesting white folk realize is that corporations / jobs don’t care if you die. You are a number, a cog in the wheel. You go to work and covid numbers spike- they won’t care. You are an avenue for revenue. 13/ #LockdownProtests
But they will care- if enough bodies get sick and die that they can’t run their business- they don’t even see that as a possibility right now. The businesses that DO care about our health and our nation are encouraging people to #StayHome 14/
The #businessesthatcare are doing what is within their power to support their employees- even amidst a money crunch. And the ones who CANT are treating their employees with respect, sharing resources & info, while helping employees & customers #staysafe! 15/
Now this thread is to damn long and I don’t know that anyone is actually gonna read it- but whatever. There’s some of my thoughts on being a younger #mixed #millennial living through a #covid19 #pandemic and #LockdownProtests in the #US

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