hello Disney community I have something to say

it is not your responsibility to inform people of Disney news. It never has been. Not when there was a fire in Disneyland, not Kobe’s “”dumbo””, not the ceo change, not Covid updates
Disney has an entire PR team for that. There are official, verified, companies to cover that. For the rest of us, there is a RT button. Stop. Uploading. Videos. With. Your. Own. Caption. For. Clout.
idk why Disney influencers think it’s their duty to be journalists but it’s not. Some of you have a lot of young, impressionable followers & if you spread false information they’re more likely to believe it.
Keep wearing your cute disneybounds, reviewing merch, sharing park secrets, all that jazz. your opinions on current Disney topics are welcome. Your coverage? Leave that to the experts.
We all know you’re doing it for likes. Stop it. Imagine how tired we are.
You can follow @amado_lorian.
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