A #COVID19 thread in many parts.

What no one wants to hear and everyone needs to hear:
We have not gotten past the peak.
From TODAY's numbers, look at that lower right hand corner. That is a plateau, or since I am writing from AZ, let's call it a mesa... or what we HOPE is mesa "an isolated flat-topped hill with steep sides" https://coronavirus.jhu.edu/map.html 
If we relax social distancing carelessly, then the steep right side of that mesa will go UP- we won't know how catastrophically for a couple of weeks, but while the daily case load remains stably high is NOT when to relax distancing measures. https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2020/apr/20/fauci-coronavirus-covid-19-stay-home
Understanding the incidence rate in the general population is tricky, bc the US testing has been a DISASTER, but a few recent studies have shown that A LOT MORE PEOPLE LIKELY HAVE COVID-19 than we know...
Three recent US studies had bounded populations & screened most everyone. Spoiler alert a lot of folks were positive & didn't show symptoms or hadn't yet started showing symptoms...
Pre-symptomatic individuals are likely most infectious to others just before & right at feeling sick: "We observed the highest viral load in throat swabs at the time of symptom onset & inferred that infectiousness peaked on or before symptom onset." https://www.nature.com/articles/s41591-020-0869-5
So let's look at the CONFIRMED THREE QUARTERS OF A MILLION CASES in the US right now. Some folks living land-locked in non-urban areas might foolishly take comfort from an image like this that shows the absolute number of cases https://coronavirus.jhu.edu/map.html 
But let's look at how many cases scaled to the population, and now, what you see is that a whole lot of America looks alert level mauve:
And understand that health care in the US is an "efficiency" monster that is designed to UNDER-SUPPORT rural areas on the expectation that critical cases there get flown to sophisticated urban medical centers...
But where are rural folks gonna go when local resources are insufficient & urban medical centers are at capacity?

Answer: no good options, just a bunch of bad ones.
So everyone who can, who is non-essential, stays home as much as they possibly can.

& those folks who are essential to the function of our country, when they aren't making sure our country is functioning, they also stay home as much as possible.
"Until further notice—meaning, some significant developments in testing, manufacturing, infrastructure, and government coordination—you can assume the answer to any and all of the questions you think of in the “social distancing loopholes” genre is no." https://www.vice.com/en_us/article/4agza3/answer-to-all-social-distancing-loophole-questions-is-no
Policies to slow & stop transmission chains of COVID-19 are there to save people's lives.

Remember when folks were saying ALL lives matter???

You said you weren't racist, that you love everyone, and want everyone supported.


Is your state doing those things?
Well why not?
Have you called your governor & mayor to tell them they should do those things?
Have you called your congressmembers to tell them the federal govt should support local governments doing those things?
You should make those calls.
Check your sources!
Share reliable, responsible media platforms.
Because when you don't, even if the article is fairly solid, your validate & legitimize that platform- if the platform is questionable, find a report from a better media outlet:
You can follow @Mammals_Suck.
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