Since we are all talking about the oil glut: you may be wondering why refiners don't just stop putting oil on the market when no one wants it right now. Here's part of why:
We all still want stuff delivered, which comes by boat, train, and truck. They use diesel and other dirtier oil blends. But you can't get those parts of a barrel of crude without just refining the whole barrel. So you end up with all this leftover gasoline and stuff.
Normally, we buy and burn about the same amount as is produced. But now we don't want any, so they don't have anywhere to put it. It is the toilet paper problem in reverse.
So refiners need to keep buying and making refined products, but the storage capacity in our individual gas tanks and airplanes is not freeing up anymore. So prices could go negative to get people to take what is essentially a waste product off their hands.
This should make you concerned that oil could literally be dumped or burned to get rid of it, by the way.
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