I haven't had a ton of resistance, but I do want to address the arguments against my belief that the people need to get behind the Libertarian Party in 2020. Please read this thread with an open mind and in it's entirety before making any major judgments against my suggestion:
Year after year, the people of our nation have been the slaves of the oligarchy. That oligarchy consists of extremely powerful corporate interests that disguise themselves as opposing parties, who claim to represent us, while actually concentrating their wealth.
Although it is pretty clear that this is happening and most Americans disapprove at varying levels, the power of the duopoly persists and I think we can all agree that the people have failed to mount any successful attempts to challenge it.
And though we could argue for days about the root causes, best courses of action, or desired outcome, I believe that we can all agree that unless we, for lack of a better term, assimilate to fight them, we will never succeed.
Our greatest weakness (and their greatest strength) is our inability to compromise and find common ground to fight on. I realize that for some, this is ok, because they are more comfortable with living under the thumb of a master they know than the insecurity of the unknown.
While I don't deny that there are valid arguments for that, I can't help but feel that this is not our destiny. I believe we are meant to achieve more and am willing to do my part to make that happen. That being said, I think our best course of action is to, first and foremost,
focus on sending a message to the establishment. That message is that we are not afraid to rise up and challenge them, and that there is more that unites than separates us. This year will not be about winning the Presidency. It must be about emancipation.
We need not focus on platforms or policy goals, but instead should demonstrate strength in numbers. The time will come to discuss what exactly our freedom means, but first we must remove the shackles to fully realize our potential.
We must not leave ANYONE out who wants to fight with us. In order to succeed, we need to vote as one unified body that cannot be splintered under any circumstances. We must also make use of our current resources and build on the foundation we already have.
As of right now, there is one party (Libertarian) that will be on the ballot in all 50 states in November. In order to send a message that lands & can't be easily dismissed, we need to obtain viability & achieve federal funding so that we are equipped to fight the establishment.
Anything less will be easily dismissed by the current system. They're counting on us to defeat ourselves & rn, I want to challenge each of you to save the platform fights for another day & join us for the most important political battle of our lives...to take back our country!
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