This thread will be for debunking myths regarding Draupadi Vastraharan and the true sequence of events as per Ved Vyas Mahabharat. As usual, citations are from KMG version, Gita Press version and BORI edition. With a pranam to Devi Draupadi, let's begin.
Myth: Draupadi said to duryodhana "Andhe ka beta andha" or " A blind man's son will also be blind".

Truth: There is no such sequence in any version of Mahabharat I've read. Please refer the screenshots from all three versions I'm citing.

Gita Press Edition
KMG Version
BORI Edition
Now, what happened after that? Duryodhana meets with Shakuni and Dhritrashtra to hold dice game.

Gita Press Edition
KMG version, here Duryodhana talks about suicide if Dhritrashtra does not allows the dice game.
BORI Edition, here also Duryodhana talks about suicide
Myth: Yudhisthir was addicted to gambling and that's why he played.
Truth: Yudhisthir straight up says to Vidur that he does not want to play dice but as he has been challenged and Dhritrashtra has asked for him to appear, he will do so as its his vow. Citations attached.
Yudhisthir did gamble 1 lakh dasis in the dice game.
Yudhisthir loses himself and all his brothers in the dice game and gambles Draupadi.
Now, he lost Draupadi too. Everyone except Duryodhana, Karna, Shakuni and Dhritrashtra (who was especially happy) were crying at this moment.

Citations attached
Now here's the twist. What we see in popular media is that Duryodhana ordered everything that happened to Draupadi. Instead, he asked her to work with other maids as first order.
Myth: Yudhisthir asked Draupadi to come down as per Duryodhana's order.
Truth: It was Duryodhana who ordered it.
Later when Draupadi denied it, Yudhisthir did ask her to come down. Different versions tell differently why he did so, Gita Press mentioned he wanted assembly to hate Duryodhana. KMG and BORI do not mention it.
Now Dushasan dragged her by the hair.
Now Draupadi asks the question and Bhishma is unable to answer her question.
Karna is especially happy with her condition. Can you spell scumbag without Karna?
Now the myth that no Pandava spoke against Yudhisthira, Bhima did and wanted to burn both of his arms. Why did both he and Arjuna stop? Because Yudhisthira was challenged and acted as per Kshatriya Dharma and not for his addiction as some claim.
Vikarna opposes it, guess who stops him? The "hero" Karna and this is the first time anyone suggests or orders to disrobe Draupadi. Not Duryodhana, Not Shakuni, its Karna.
This is the entire saga of Draupadi Vastraharan. Let nobody tell you otherwise how it was Devi Draupadi's fault or how it was not Karna who ordered it.

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