Tempted to do a little thread showing a chronology of the general public's wishes and the government's response
Among you probably think that said thread will bash the government, let me tell you, you are mistaken.
NB: The general public goes way beyond those of us on this bird app...the FB population is more representative of the GP, together with other platforms I've observed, including Twitter
Lettuce commence
Our government was ill-prepared and not very proactive in preparing for the eventual arrival of COVID-19 in our country. They have since acknowledged same.
However, since Ms Rona/The Covi Covi/Big Rona has arrived, the government has largely danced to the beat of the GP's drum.
Funny enough however, the general public has never quite been satisfied with receiving what they've asked for.
Don't believe, me? Let's dive in (please be guided by the disclaimer in tweet #3 of this thread)
Prior to the covi covi's arrival, the general public's cry was for our nation's ports to be closed. This was not done. Instead, measures were put in place at the airport, involving persons and technology to detect symptomatic persons. The hotline was also introduced.
GP's reply:
Flash forward, a few short days following my own return to the beloved spice isle, Big Rona decides to present herself.
NB: Between Ms Rona's arrival and the measures taken at the airport, flights were slowly being restricted.
Fentyways. The general public was pissed, as most put it "the government caused this ting to reach here." So what was the cry now, louder than ever?
The evening and the morning were the first day lmao, lemme stop. So yes, the government proceeded to do just that, close the ports...however, persons were permitted to leave the island as our MOH put it "WE WANT TO GET THEM OFF THE ISLAND"
Now, here's where things start to get juicy. So...ports are closed, but we're still going to work???!!!! TF????
The government's reply?
A limited state of emergency - The regulations permitted only essential services will be permitted to open. Persons who aren't working at or using said services therefore have no reason to be on the road...
GP: Too many people outside still with this limited SoE thing, you doh see how many places still could open on da list
Meanwhile, some of our brothers and sisters:
Keith and Nicky were pissed!!!!
But they said, don't worry, I got sumn for y'all ass. More people inside you say?
24hr curfew and shopping days only, along with other restrictions so we can contain the covi covi, cuz shit hitting the fan jeds and y'all can't behave
Gov't: No problem, we'll permit banks and other money-related services to be opened for limited periods...however stay y'all ass inside if you're not using said services. Comply with the regulations.
GP: THIS INSIDE TING FRETTING ME!!!!! And allyuh doh know we need access to other resources? Eh? Some people cyah even make a lickle money cuz place lockdown...allyuh doesn't tink??!!
Government: Okay, well considering we've been containing the virus pretty ok, and you make some valid points, hear what? We'll allow limited services to be opened, similar to the limited SoE, don't abuse it however, continue to behave ok? This is our collective responsibility.
GP: Wait allyuh opening places? WDA ALLYUH OPENING UP THE PLACE FOR?!!!!! ughhhhhhhhhhimmagetsomekepceethoughhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
Government: Ok guys, seems someone who had symptoms (and didn't report same like we asked y'all to) may have the virus and this may mean there's community spread.
GP: Personally, dais allyuh fault, meen know who send allyuh to do what y'all been doing, and as a matter of fact, is opening up the place that cause dat. Allyuh better fix it
The modus operandi has become:
- Ask
- Receive
- Complain (disobey on the side)
- Blame
- Repeat
While this may not fall in your personal stainless-steal pot, it certainly holds true for the general public. So cook it still. Eat dat up.
Admittedly, our government was ill-prepared and reactive. However, we've long passed the "they shoulda close the damn ports" phase. Additionally, our government has been taking steps to assist us, based on GP's recommendations, in large part. No no, don't run. Eat that up still.
Anyone who knows me knows that I am very critical of our gov't. They've done many things I detest. However, I've recognized that they are TRYING to help our population through this crisis.
What I don't support however is our failure to take responsibility as a people. Come come
We want to critique, make recommendations and have them implemented. When they work, we find a problem. When they don't work, we distance ourselves from then and put the sole blame on gov't. Nasty, disgusting habit. Again, if you don't fall into 'we' remember tweet 3 :)
That said, I don't expect things to be perfect during this time. I will not declare that our gov't has handled this situation perfectly. However, the "it's all and ALWAYS their fault" narrative is a tired, untrue, sad and low. Now before, you say I'm a government employee...
I assure you, this thread was not sponsored by Keith, Nicky or any government affiliate. I am merely a Grenadian citizen sharing my long-pacified view of how we operate. Should you disagree, you can do so respectfully. However, my thread ends here. Pleasant afternoon.
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