Thread: I had to go to Best Buy for a curbside pickup this afternoon. When I got there, the parking lot was full of pro-COVID activists (I don’t know what else to call them). They were gathering for a march on the Blaine House. #mepolitics 1/n
The employee I spoke with through the passenger side window was, understandably, not happy about it. He noted the irony, that they want Maine to re-open but were gathering in a way that out safely re-opening further out of reach. #mepolitics 2/n
I got stuck behind their caravan on my return trip (I pass the Blaine House to get home). I was appalled at the numbers who turned out to oppose the stay at home order. These people can only be described as violent. They want polices that would kill people. 3/n #mepolitics
I think about the health care workers who are absolutely going to see some of these pro-COVID activists in the coming weeks, and will themselves be at greater risk because of it. It’s not just stupid. It’s immoral. 4/n #mepolitics
The sign that upset me most was “Hancock County: 0 Cases. 0 Business.”

My mom is a nurse in Hancock County. If these pro-COVID activists get their way and Maine is “reopened,” she and the seniors she serves will be more likely to die. I am scared and furious. 5/5 #mepolitics
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