To understand what's happening with COVID, you can't look at total numbers anymore. New York State, with the highest numbers of infections, has aggressively worked to flatten the curve and is succeeding. This makes it appear that the curve is flattening in the whole USA.../1
...the numbers to watch now - with so many states refusing to adopt ways of flattening the curve and Trump/Fox News fans storming around "protesting" requirements to not be morons - is the breakdown by state. Because remember, we won't know TODAY's infection rate for 2 weeks.../2
...but we now can see what was happening two weeks ago. And, as expected, the infection RATE is climbing rapidly in the dumbest "this is a hoax" states.

Moving away from states near New York, here are the ones that are rapidly going up in infection rate. Many fit a pattern.../3
...of the ones with the most nonsense going on. Not ALL, but most:

Florida, Texas, Ohio, Indiana, Virginia, Tennessee, North Carolina, South Carolina, Mississippi, Kentucky, Iowa, Minnesota, South Dakota, Nebraska, North Dakota.

Now, the current infection per million is.../4
...less than states with much higher infections (New York, NJ etc) but the rate is climbing quickly.

I hope this does not show the future for these and surrounding states. But given they are almost intentionally trying to elevate the curve, I fear it does.
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