THREAD/ Likely out of sheer volume, U.S. newsrooms have grappled more with questions about naming perpetrators of mass shootings than we have had to in Canada.

I’m going to link some debate and conversation out of U.S. newsrooms:
First, the research. The contagion effect surrounding mass shootings is not a wanton hypothesis. Here's the conclusion of a 2018 study:

"Our findings consistently suggest that media coverage systematically causes future mass shootings." 
As one expert told @MilesKohrman and Katherine Reed:

“Many of these at-risk individuals recognize that murdering large numbers of men, women, or children will guarantee them fame. They believe their names and faces will adorn newspapers ... and unfortunately, they are right.”
Justin Trudeau urged us not to use the Nova Scotia shooter's name, as Jacinda Ardern did after the Christchurch attack.

“He sought many things from his act of terror but one was notoriety, that is why you will never hear me mention his name,” she said.
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