i took the attachment style thing and my primary one was normal, i know no one else in my family has THE RANGE to reparent themselves and come out normal, explains why I've been the resident therapist and mediator since age 9
i just decided mentally as a child, ummm you guys are strange and I'm not gonna be like you, in fact we're about to revolutionise this family !!! ughhh child me was SMORT
omg i forgot this goes back to the time i did an in depth astrological placement chart and found out i had 3 yods which is so extremely rare to even have ONE, its a placement that strongly indicates many past lives and karmic energy passed down in the family
that shit was crazy because i FEEL that and a yod is like a curse sort of, you keep living over and over never righting wrongs but the yods indicate your life will bring an end to a cycle ending the karmic history
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