It's not "biblical manhood" for a husband to expect to dump the responsibility of the household entirely (or even primarily) to his wife. The bare minimum of his job is not to "help out around the house." The endgoal isn't to achieve parity in household duties ("I did my 50%").
Rather, it is wholehearted, self-sacrificial love in action in the most intimate and proximate community. It is gospel-gratitude spilling over in service to one's household. It is loving your closest neighbor's neighborhood as your own (because it actually is your own too!).
To make this tangible and concrete, it means that men are truly men if we engage ourselves into learning household tasks as much as we engage in their careers, hobbies, and leisures. If you don't know how to cook, learn! If you don't know how to clean, learn! If you've never...
done laundry before, I kid you not, there are even Reddit threads about the best laundry and folding techniques. Even the busiest and most stressed among us can make small steps of obedience and service.

Unfortunately, I think that what has been spread and modeled in the...
name of "biblical manhood" gives warrant for baptizing aspects of toxic masculinity, sloth, and self-centered love for men in the realm of marriage and family life. It has created an entire ethic based on unsubstantiated fear of doing or being what is "effeminate" and...
created an entire hierarchical scale of being of correct "gender roles."

If men are called to be conformed to Jesus - not "biblical manhood" or whatever cultural norm we've devised - then we see in Jesus everything we need in terms of learning what it means to love, serve,
obey, and sacrifice self for the sake of another, even when the culture around us may gawk at us for our actions. It is He who took on the form of a servant, stooped down to wash feet, and dignified women to the uttermost who shows us what it means to be a redeemed man who is...
a part of a new kingdom that has broken into this present age.
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