Why do some of you males like gatekeeping anime and being like "iF shE onLy knOWs thE biG 3 oR cAn onLY nAmE popULar AnImE shEs a FaKE fAN๐Ÿคช" https://twitter.com/gonshairline/status/1252084961420640257
There is nothing wrong with liking or knowing only popular anime. You can like DB/DBZ, Bleach, Naruto and OP if you want to, you don't have to feel like you can't like them because some people who haven't seen them think they're bad and overrated.
And when some guys do it you just know they're usually sexist because ofc anime is a guy thing to them but they will only watch shonen and besides Shoujo and SOL exist which are aimed at females so females watching anime isn't bad, stop gatekeeping. Theres an anime for everyone.
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