Media sucks at context so bad. The American pandemic is already by far the worst in the world- w 40K+ dead bc of the Trump Admin's decision to downplay risks in early stages to mitigate economic costs. Now, at the peak of the pandemic, when more than 2K+ people are dying daily,
the media has followed lock, stock, & barrel, the Admin's effort to move into a convo about ending a pandemic that is still not its peak in most cities and when we STILL lack a national plan to respond. Take FL for instance, where at the very same time 28K Floridians are infected
and the state's death toll hits 791, FL GOV @GovRonDeSantis is reopening the FL tourist industry- a move driven by the fact that the state has no income tax & exists entirely off of sales taxes. Not only is this going to lead directly to the death of more Floridians (but hey,
the data suggests it will disproportionately the poorer, older, and non-white ones, so who cares-right?! (yes, that's sarcasm)" the move is obviously geared at attracting tourists- who will come and take COVID19 back to state's who residents ARE making hard sacrifices to protect
their neighbors. It will be a constant exporter of this virus. It will ensure that for the millions of Americans who can are vulnerable due to age & and/or health, many millions who are children & teens, they will be forced to quarantine until a vaccine is created. It will impose
massive economic damage on the country's economy overall- and likely be a net loss for the FL economy for all that. And its only possible due to the joke we have pretending to be president & the total absence of leadership be brings to the most critical job in the world. BTW from
INTL perspective the entire country will be FL- a disease ridden- selfish hellhole, that no one wants to come to, or allow us to come from. So keep that in mind, those of you who care about economic development. This is why the @UsChamberOfCom will tell you its looney tunes.
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