Dear @HPA_MV since you are busy contact tracing,isolating the Positives,I thought the only way to MAKE YOU LISTEN IS BY ENVOLVING THE PUBLIC in this thread:

1, Contact tracing will exhaust out financial & Human Resources,so this is not practical in community spread,Instead

2, #TestTraceIsolateTreat is how you get ahead of the curve,we need to SCREEN THE WHOLE POPULATION,using rapid test kits.

3, Any POSITIVE individual needs to be isolated HOME,after evaluating living situation by @HPA_MV ,as they have been already exposed.


4, If there are any HIGH RISK INDIVIDUALS in those homes,they can be treated with prophylaxis if not contraindicated.

5, Isolating positives in isolation facilities can be limited to foreign & imported cases,to reduce the burden over the government of expenditure.


6, Mass testing must be done irrespective of Symptomatic or Asymptomatic within the community that’s to be able to isolate the positives & treat those in the high risk.

7, Finally using prophylactic or therapeutic HCQ has much needed outcomes:
a, Reduction of admission in hospitals where facilities are not available.
b, Reducing the viral load & in turn infectivity of asymptomatic positives.
c, Protection of frontline HealthWorkers.

d, Protection of households caring for confirmed positive individuals.

There are overwhelming evidence of successful treatment outcomes and prophylaxis emerging from USA,France,China,India,Dubai,& many countries imported HCW for those reasons.


8, if we don’t do this NOW as we are facing 67 positive cases,
In one week we will have 67 sick cases
In 10 days we will have 4-5 ICU admissions.
This is not a prediction,it’s a fact.
80% asymptomatics, 10-15% Moderately cases, 5-10% Sever Cases.


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