Might get some flack for this - but as hard as it is, it’s important to understand who the mass murderers are. Stories about them that provide context and background are crucial. As important as it is to focus on the victims, you can’t just ignore the person that did this.
This was not a natural disaster or a random act - this was a malicious assault on our people and we need to understand the person behind those actions. Of course the people who lost their lives and their families remains the most important aspect of this and should.
The difficulty is that we’re all in mourning and shock and so we have a visceral reaction whenever we hear of or see a picture of the person that did this. That doesn’t mean we should completely ignore that component of this. That’s all I’ll say on this. Take care of each other.
Excellent points here. I didn’t have the mental strength to reply to every comment in this thread, but I’m happy this has turned into an interesting discussion. We’re all processing this horrible moment in our own way and this stuff is really tough to call at the best of times.
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