1/ However defined, #pedophilia is wrong; it is evil. In a deeply disturbing trend in the last few decades, pedophilia apologists have tried to soft-pedal the condemnation of this horrible crime and criminal ideation. They are wrong. Here’s why.

Share: https://larrysanger.org/2019/12/why-pedophilia-is-evil/
2/ Child sexual abuse is an act so damaging and degrading, and at the same time shockingly selfish, that it deserves to be called evil, if anything is evil: for some moments of pleasure, the adult causes the child life-long trauma. http://www.letgoletpeacecomein.org/survivor-stories/personal-stories/
4/ The medicalization of a condition clearly does not preclude its moral evaluation. Just because psychiatrists, who do whatever is necessary to eliminate a condition, adopt what sounds like a nonjudgmental stance, it hardly follows that we need do so as well.
5/ Suppose a person has unusually weak self-control. If this person finds himself with a desire, he has no filters to rein it in. Instead, he nurses his desire. He thinks about it. He considers; he imagines; he plans, but without acting.

Suppose that person is a pedophile.
6/ The desire is horrific, because it might lead to a horrific action. Would we not also be horrified by a big man with poor self-control who confessed that he had recently started thinking, constantly, about raping women?
7/ Those who characterize pedophilia as an unchangeable desire are contributing to the problem. It is like telling alcoholics that they are not responsible for becoming alcoholics and cannot ever free themselves of their hankering for alcohol.
8/ If your illicit desires are unalterable, you bear no responsibility for them—and then why fight them? This morally enfeebling message is repeated throughout our decadent culture, which rejects personal responsibility. Addicts everywhere hear and obey. https://larrysanger.org/2015/11/our-moral-abyss/
9/ Propaganda produced by pedophiles—and on their behalf—is disturbing. Consider how media discussions of pedophilia are dominated by pleas that we should “understand” pedophiles first and foremost.

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