Someone please give me the confidence of men applying for jobs.
There is a leadership position open and this person on Linkedin in asking for 10-15 years of experience and a master's degree and some specific skills and has said please say interested in comments
The comments are full of (only) men saying interested. So I thought I will go and click on five profiles and see what they have done.
NONE have even 10 years of experience
NONE have a master's degree
NONE have experience in the specific sector
3/5 men do not have any of the skills listed in the JD on their resume
One has been working for FIVE years! and wants to apply to be the COO of that organisation
There is one lone woman who someone else has tagged saying hey you may be interested in this. That woman has come and responded, thank you. will email but not sure if I meet all the requirements
So of course I went and saw her profile
She had 12 years of experience
A master's in the relevant sector
Strong recommendations on linkedin
Had 5 years of experience in the specific sector alone
Had some of the skills needed listed on her profile
I mean SERIOUSLY. I wanted to scream on that thread and say YOU SILLY WOMAN. HAVE YOU CHECKED THE PROFILES OF ALL THE MALE LOSERS ON THIS THREAD. YOU are more qualified that all of them put together. JUST APPLY
Of course I didn't. Because I do the same thing. I would NEVER apply for a job unless I met at least 99% of the requirements and had the maximum experience the job asks for (not the minimum). I constantly second guess myself and think I am not good enough
When people ask for a certain number of years of experience I always think they are asking for all of that experience in that particular sector and I think ohh i have the required experience across 3 sectors so I am sure I don't qualify
Why are women like this? Why won't we hustle? Why does the imposter syndrome cripple us so much?
And men what are you having that is giving you SO much confidence? you should bottle and sell it. You'll make good money.
Oh wait. Its patriarchy.Don't sell it and fuck us more please
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