1. Just realised that reality shows (especially with 'hot and dumb' or just dumb ppl) are genius. The audience gets to look down upon extremely stupid people (even more harshly if they're hot). That's a blessing for the average person.
2. I think pretty much everyone watches reality TV ironically. But as far as the producers are concerned that's functionally the same as ppl watching it sincerely. They still get the numbers.
3. Meanwhile, the audience gets an easy glow of being better than the participants. That too without working at anything! Meanwhile you don't even have to be embarassed about watching it because you don't "actually" like it. You're just watching it to "make fun of them".
4. Absolute genius. It's like the drug dealer convinced you that if you do heroin ironically it hit different 😆
5. Like, you know if they wanted to get smart ppl with muscles they'd have got them. But that would have made you feel insecure about yourself. So they get the dumbest MFs so you can write your ironic hot takes about them.
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