I have to wait an hour to be able to take a medication, and another hour for it to kick in.

Which means it's time for another silly animal thread! This time we have... BATHTIME

Lookit this happy piglet getting a scrub in what may or may not be a bidet!
This fuzzy baby ele is so thrilled to sink into the tub that it doesn't care how much water it's getting everywhere.
Lookit this tiny white birdie hopping around under the faucet! It knows hygiene is important in plaguetimes and all times.
May we all be as blissed out as this happy sudsy doggo getting a full scrubdown. Goals.
Some cats hate baths, but this hairless kitteh is making biscuits in the water like it's starting a bakery.
This ferret getting a loungy sink bath is living its best life.
This little rattie is SUDSING ITSELF because it is better than adulting than most of us.
This capybara doesn't need rubber duckies, it brought the genuine article into the bath thankyouverymuch. Honestly, capybaras are friend-shaped. They'll chill with anyone.
Is this thrashing baby gorilla in a tub having a tantrum or making a DIY jacuzzi? Only time will tell.
This macaw has its VERY OWN PERCH IN THE SHOWER so if you're wondering if you're doing enough for your pet, you're not.
This lil piggo with the bath foam pompadour does a better Elvis impression than you.
This gentle pittie has a rubber duckie AND a showercap and is ready for anything. Even water. Which isn't scary at all.
This kitteh is regal in its towel turban shaped like Leia-buns, and it rules over its bathtime domain with haughty poise. It only deigns to have a rubber duckie because rulers need subjects after all.
As a break from all this elegance, here's an iguana farting in the tub.
This happy sudsy banana snake is coming up for some nose boops!
This chimp in a bubble bath is feelin the spirit of self care and we can all learn from its wisdom.
There is nobody happier on this earth than this hopping trash panda having a bath!
Scrub-a-dub-dub, it's a baby sloth in a tub.
And it's so smol it's getting scrubbed with what looks like a toothbrush!!!
This little hedgie is having a twirl as it acts as its own life raft in the tub.
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