Mmmm a man who is bigger than me with a low voice who visibly melts when I give him my 🤨😏 and just wants to be my good boy. 🤤
Mmmm or a chubby guy who shivers when I run my fingers along his shoulder while I swoop in and kiss his opposite cheek 😘
Ooooo or a thinner guy who gasps as I push him back onto my bed and he realizes how strong I am😈
I just had a really vivid thought about running my fingers through a guy's beard so I could pull his chin away and nibble on his neck 😍🔥
Anyone who's creeped my comment history knows that [whimpers] and [growls] is my favorite combination ever.
There's something really amazing about being able to make a really masculine sub feel safe enough to be vulnerable. 🥰🥰
I just got really turned on imagining a low rumbly voice breathing out a frantic "yes ma'am" 😈🔥🤤
It's difficult to overstate the effect a deep masculine voice has on me, especially when begging. 🤔😈
My favorite is spooning a man who's never had the opportunity to be little spoon. Let me put my arms around you and whisper into your ear all the wonderful things that can happen when you allow yourself to relax and be vulnerable.
Or pinning a man by straddling his hips and locking my fingers in his and giving him that look so he knows "you're not going *anywhere*..."
Anyway... This thread has been brought to you by my love for all kinds of men, my desire for them to feel safe with me, and my quarantine wine regimen. #GFD #GentleFemDom
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