Insecure Season 4 Episode 2 discussion/question thread. #InsecureHBO #Insecure

1. Can you be friends with someone who's dating your ex?
2. Whose costume was better -- Molly as a Clover or Kelli as B.A.P.S?
3. Do you hate it when friends invite other friends to hangouts without notice, or are you a "the more the merrier" type friend?
4. Is Andrew being a f*ckboy or is Molly making a big deal out of every little thing?
5. How much do you require someone you're dating to open up? (By dating I mean that bittersweet grey area between just FWB but not in a legit relationship.)
6. Let's talk Black colleagues. How important is it to you to develop relationships (personal and professional) with Black coworkers?
7. Should Lawrence have confronted Issa about her and Condola's conversations involving him? Should he care?
8. Molly seems to feel Issa's not taking her situation with Andrew seriously or giving her the support she needs. Is Molly right? Should Issa be more attentive and sympathetic, or is the situation not that serious and Issa doing no wrong?
9. Since the show began Molly's been saying that Issa is sabatoging her own life. In what ways is Molly right?
10. Marry, Smash, Cut. One for those attracted to men, one for those attracted to women, and if ya like both...go HAM! Go!
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