The #FlintWaterCrisis in Michigan has calmed down from when it first arose back in 2014, but the consequences that arose along with it continue to affect the residents of Flint, especially children (1/8) @39CSustain #39CSustain
After the new water supply was put in place, thousands of children were soon exposed to the lead-contaminated water and their blood-lead levels had risen from 2.1% to 4.0% (3/8)
According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, lead exposure can cause behavioral problems, which is proven by the high rates of students dropping out of school and possibly ending up in juvenile detention centers because of lead poisoning (5/8)
The effects of lead exposure are irreversible as lead soon spreads throughout the human body when exposed, but lead poisoning can be prevented (7/8)
Lead poisoning can be prevented if people know where lead comes from, the effects it can cause, and how to decrease lead exposure at home. For example, by consuming certain foods like specific vitamins can decrease the gastric absorption of lead (8/8)
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