In the queue @Centrelink waiting to be let in. Man ahead has service dog. Staff would not let him in, then totally breached his privacy and confidentiality by making him answer questions from a distance.
I now know his CRN, full name and DOB, and why he was here.
Not enough that the website keeps crashing. Not enough that there is more than a two hour wait on phone lines. Not enough that queues go for a km around the block.
@Centrelink just keeps getting better and better, doesn’t it?
Just add in the poor man’s humiliation and frustration as the icing on the cake.
@HankJongen this needs to be investigated and actioned. It is not good enough. Feel free to message me privately so I can tell you exactly where and when this occurred, and give a description of the offending Centrelink employee.
You can follow @jsam_1967.
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